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Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Overall, accessory dwelling units kasitas offer a host of benefits, including increased housing flexibility, affordability, sustainable development, community integration, and economic advantages. These small living units have the potential to transform neighborhoods while addressing various housing needs in a positive and inclusive manner.

Enhancing Housing Flexibility

Kasita's are an excellent solution for increasing housing options within established communities

Affordable Housing

Kasita's contribute to addressing the affordable housing crisis by offering more affordable rental options or providing homeowners with an opportunity to generate additional income.

Increased Property Value

Kasita's often increase the value of a property. The additional living space, flexibility, and potential rental income make properties with Kasita's more attractive to potential buyers, making them a smart investment for homeowners.

Where are your products manufactured?

We look for the finest craftsmen for each of our products. As a result, we work with manufacturers all over the world. We currently work with manufacturers in China.

Are finish colors shown in your photos accurate?

All photos on our website are taken by professional photographers under lighting conditions that are typical in a residential home.

would you recommend for multi-generational households?

ADUs are ideal for multi-generational households, allowing family members to live in close proximity while still maintaining privacy and independence. Elderly parents, adult children, or extended family members can occupy the ADU.


ADUs promote sustainable development by utilizing existing infrastructure and resources more efficiently. Instead of building new structures on undeveloped land, ADUs make use of underutilized space on existing properties, reducing urban sprawl and preserving open spaces.